There is a Bridge Connecting Heaven and Earth
Just this side of heaven is a place called The Rainbow Bridge. When an animal passes from this earth, they play in warm sunshine and green fields in wait for that special being. When the wait is done, they walk across the Bridge, in joyous reunion, forever in each other’s company.
GSGSR hopes to remember all those that were so special in life; those who gave their love and kindness to our dogs. In so doing; this page is dedicated to cherished friends, family, and supporters of GSGSR. Please contact us via phone or email if you would like to make a dedication to loved ones; both furry and non-furry.
Unfortunately, we are sharing the devastating news that Gladstone has crossed the Rainbow Bridge... He is no longer in pain and can now run free with all of the other rescued dogs.
Gladstone was found extremely neglected April 2nd, 2022. Since then, he was given the best care by the staff of Basking Ridge Animal Hospital. His amazing foster family brought him for weekly medicated baths and tried many treatments of antibiotics to try to get at the root of the underlying infections. His foster parents cared for his wounded paws, cleansed his face with compresses, even modified their home to meet his growing needs. He became a regular favorite at the vet's office with his sweet personality and zest for life.
After switching medications to find what worked best, performing xrays, thyroid tests, blood work and salves, his wounds began to improve, but even after trying the highest level antibiotics (for MRSA in humans), Gladstone still could not fight off the deep infection that was plaguing his body.
After beating the odds of scabies, even gaining a great deal of healthy weight from quality food and care (from 58lb to 74lb), Gladstone's paws began to ulcer and it was painful for him to walk. Yesterday, his bladder stopped responding and he could no longer express himself. After consulting vets, his foster family, and the rescue, everyone agreed that Gladstone was suffering. He gained his wings yesterday afternoon, with those that loved him right by his side.
For the last 2 months, Gladstone experienced love, care, amazing veterinary treatment, and a community of people that supported him fully. Even though his future started with neglect, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge knowing so much love and care. Please watch over all of the animals we have lost.... Run free, sweet boy.
Found 4.2.2022 - Gained wings 6.3.2022
There is never a good time to say goodbye to a best friend but around the holidays is especially worse. Shelby was adopted in Feb 2014. She was found on the street and taken in by GSGSR. Shelby was placed in a wonderful home and was cherished. As always, she became that loyal friend to her adopter-always by her side. Due to old age, her body gave out; it was finally time to say goodbye. Shelby now has her Angel Wings.
You brought nothing but joy. Run free pretty girl.
We all Loved Lucy; she was a very special girl. GSGSR rescued her from a shelter and also from getting pregnant yet another time. Lucy was heartworm positive; GSGSR was preparing her for her treatment which had to be delayed. Little did we know that Lucy was pregnant when she entered our foster program. Early one morning, Lucy’s foster dad woke her foster mom and told her Lucy had 3 puppies in her crate. Of course, Lucy shocked everyone with her precious present to GSGSR. Lucy’s pups all turned out to be of sweet and precious temperament and were adopted by loving families. Once the pups were weaned, Lucy started her course of heartworm treatment. It turns out that Lucy also was diagnosed with a mammary tumor which was biopsied several times and eventually proved cancerous. A few years passed with no applications to adopt this sweet and gentle soul, so Lucy was loved forever more by her foster family.
Lucy was a memorable dog in so many ways; she gave us three special pups to remember her always.